软件开发资讯 China Sports Weekly (7.14-7.20)


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软件开发资讯 China Sports Weekly (7.14-7.20)
发布日期:2024-08-18 13:52    点击次数:140

BEIJING软件开发资讯, July 20 (Xinhua) -- Here are the latest Chinese sports headlines from the past week:

1. Anti-doping review finds no "cover-up" in Chinese swimmers' contamination case

An anti-doping review has found World Aquatics to be "transparent and collaborative" in its review of the contamination case involving 23 Chinese swimmers.

23 Chinese swimmers tested positive for trimetazidine (TMZ) in January 2021 after having allegedly been inadvertently exposed to the substance through contamination. After an investigation, the Chinese Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) decided that the Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs) for TMZ were an isolated mass incident caused by athletes' consumption of food contaminated with TMZ when they were participating in the event. It was then decided that the athletes involved would be "held to have no fault or negligence, and the AAF cases should not be brought forward as Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs)."

福彩3D历年第181期同期奖号为:983 419 876 073 708 417 001 500 379 918 847 248 806 281 869 569 498 168 227 371 872 567 230。

福彩快乐8第2024175期(上周三)奖号回顾:07 09 12 15 17 19 32 33 40 47 48 49 55 58 62 65 66 69 70 73,其中大小比为11:9,软件开发资讯包含4个重号17、32、48、69,包含连码32 33、47 48 49、65 66、69 70。

This May, the World Aquatics Bureau established an anti-doping audit review committee to examine the processes and procedures by the World Aquatics "in addressing not only the TMZ Case, but all doping cases under its jurisdiction."

2. Chinese rider Alex Hua Tian announces first choice horse at Paris Olympics

Chinese event rider Alex Hua Tian announced on July 15 that Chocs will be his first choice among three qualified horses at the upcoming Paris Olympic Games.

Alex Hua Tian, 34, is making the final preparations for his fourth Olympic Games at Pinfold Stables near Manchester Airport. Chocs, Chicko, and Stig have all been qualified for the Games, and he finally made the hard decision to choose one as his first choice.

3. Olympic flame reaches Paris on Bastille Day, featuring three Chinese torchbearers

The Paris Olympic flame arrived in the city on July 14, France's National Day, and began its two-day relay in the capital.


Three Chinese torchbearers participated on the first day: renowned pianist Lang Lang, Chen Zhongwei, Chairman and General Manager of Hengyuanxiang Group, and young actor Wang Yibo.

4. Chinese Olympic champions take action to promote public fitness

The 2024 Chinese sports culture welfare promotion event took place in Zhijin County, Bijie City, southwest China's Guizhou Province. The event, featuring participation from several Olympic champions, aimed to promote public fitness and engage the community in physical activities.

The event kicked off with a torch relay in the ancient city of Zhijin, with Taekwondo Olympic champion Zheng Shuyin serving as the first torchbearer. Zheng carried the torch through the historic town, passing it to subsequent bearers and sharing her enthusiasm for sports with the spectators.

The event also featured table tennis Olympic champion Qiao Hong软件开发资讯, badminton Olympic champion Gong Zhichao, and taekwondo Olympic champion Zhao Shuai.■

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